Rock Lititz Campus, Lititz PA
Conference Assistant
Conference Director: Emily Cassidy
THE Conference: Live at Lititz 2023
Conference Capacity: ~900 attendees
Duties: assisting Conference Director and Rock Lititz staff in producing the annual Conference for over 900 live entertainment and touring professionals; stuffing over 900 backpacks with swag; setting up equipment across the Rock Lititz campus; preparing attendee and staff credentials; setting up chairs for panel discussions; making and hanging directional and informational signage; running check-in for conference attendees; distributing credentials and swag; monitoring events and panels throughout the conference; striking materials post-conference.

Putting credentials on lanyards.

Unpacking all of the backpacks that needed to be stuffed with swag.

We stuffed over 900 backpacks to hand out to attendees!

Setting up for check-in.

Lots of signage.

Credentials and swag ready for attendees to arrive!

The check-in set up.

Really loved the rig for this event.

Some awesome lighting looks.

View from FOH.

Look at all those chairs we set up!

An awesome group of colleagues.

The 2023 Event Assistants

Sooner Routhier!
Worked with an amazing team and got to network with some incredible industry professionals!